Proyas Manobik Unnoyon Society

PEACE Project

Preventing Extremism Through Active Community Engagement (PEACE) Consortium is a consortium of which Proyas is acting as one of the five members’ organizations to promote engagement and action to contribute in countering extremism thus sustaining resilient community in two Upazillas of Chapainawabganj in close collaboration with other implementing partners active in these areas. This initiative is being implemented by the financial assistance of Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) supported by GCERF Country Support Mechanism (CSM) in Bangladesh and coordinated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), GoB, where RUPANTAR is the leading NGO for both Satkhira and Chapainawabganj districts.

The aim of this project is to facilitate the process of fostering peace and social harmony by maintaining secular and syncretic culture where targeted communities autonomously perform to prevent as well as counter radicalization and recruitment for extremism.

The PEACE Consortium envisions a violence free society of resilient community fostering peace and harmony for which as a member of the consortium and implementing partner, Proyas has started its journey in Chapainawabganj, which is marked as one of the most extremism prone areas of Bangladesh with a vision of violence and extremism free society. Proyas intends to build a resilient community to sustain the secular, syncretic culture and social harmony with mutual respect to each other which is traditionally inherited by the people of Bangladesh in their mindset.

The main targeted groups of population are the community youths. Proyas has been implementing the activities defined for specific age groups to enhance their engagement to work as an agent for social change to identify and defuse the drivers of radicalization and extremism.

Project Location for Proyas

Chapai-Nawabganj District (2 Upazillas-Sadar & Gomostapur, 22 Unions)