
Agrosor, meaning “advanced”, is a scheme of Proyas for the economic improvement of ultra-poor households. This scheme started in 2006 with name of “small entrepreneur loan scheme”. The program participants, who had been involved in various income generating activities with rural or urban micro-credit assistance from the organization, but been unable to expand their business and/or income generating activities due smaller size of investment, are eligible to be a member of this scheme. With the larger investment, as per their requirements, ranges from BDT 30,000 to 10,00,000, they are now able to expand their business for much better income generation. In 2017, a total of 2,843 new members, comprised with 856 groups, were included under this “Agrosor” scheme. A total 3,181 individual entrepreneur members were directly benefitted from the scheme by expanding their business with financial assistance of BDT 30,37,81,000 in different time of 2017. The members also save a fixed amount on weekly basis. Under this scheme, the members have deposited savings of BDT. 5,45,65,517 in 2017. From their increased income, the members have already returned BDT 18,34,13,277 within the year 2017. It can be noted here, about 99.5% of the participants repaid their loan as per their loan repayment plan.