
Buniad means ‘foundation’ whcih is another scheme/product for the “absolute have not” group of people, female headed family, completely dependent on fragile/temporary works, have not houses to live in, working as maids in others’ houses and sometimes getting assistances under some safety net projects of government and/or non-government agencies. The beneficiaries under this scheme also include the “street beggars” and “floating sex-workers”. As the title of the scheme/product depicts, the initiative/objective of Proyas is to build a strong foundation for economic empowerment of this group/section of people of the community. The beneficiay members under this scheme/product are mobilized and sensitized on group dynamics, identifying their potentials, meeting themselves on regular basis, undertakes income generative initiatives with financial support from Proyas. They also deposit their routine/regular savings along with the fixed installments. Each beneficiary under this scheme, can avail upto BDT 25,000 as loan for one year and payable in 46 installments.