Since 2010, with assistance from PKSF, Proyas has been implementing an integrated community development titled as ENRICH to enhance resources and to increase capacities of poor households. This project has various components, i.e. (a) Income generation through micro-credit supports for IGA, asset creation and livelihood improvements, imparting IGA training, skill development training and agricultural development. (b) Social mobilization for empowerment of youths as social change agent, awareness on various social issues that protects children from early marriage, dowry and thus ensures child rights. It also includes environment conservation through youth clubs, (c) Primary health care etc.
With its mission for socio-economic empowerment of the disadvantaged people, Proyas has been implementing its development projects. Proyas has undertaken a program titled, “Enhancing Resources and Increasing Capacities of poor Households (ENRICH) towards elimination of their poverty since 2010 with the financial assistance of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). It was started this project in Ranihati union under Nachole Upazila of Chapainawabganj. This intervention has been undertaken with integrated/comprehensive activities in a holistic approach for the development and enrichment of the whole community. The major activities of the programs are as follows;
- Education Support Service
- Primary Health Care Service
- Establishing ENRICH Center
- Special Deposit Scheme
- Beggars Rehabilitation
- Micro-Credit Support
- Sanitation and Hygiene
- ENRICH Model House