Message from the Executive Director
Proyas Manobik Unnayan Society celebrated its Silver Jubilee but for desired development and human welfare, it is not that long. In order to reach the desired human state, more time are required with commitments and devotion. Despite overall economic development, thus increased per capita income, many people of our society are falling into new proverty line. They are fighting with their economic capacity to cope with the changing trend of the society and the market. Such people are in need of help or assistance to improve their capacity for their overall improvements. That’s why still long way to go. Proyas has been trying to assist such people to combat proverty, improve their skills and livelihood.
Like the past few years, 2018, Bangladesh’s economic growth continued and poverty declined as we can see that the per capita income rose to $1,610 in the FY 2016-17 from $1,465 in the FY 2015-16, according to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). While writing this report (2018), poverty and extreme poverty rates have also come down to 21.8 percent and 11.3 percent. Average life expectancy at birth in Bangladesh rose to 72 years in 2017 according to the national statistical agency, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) report published on 27 June 2018. Similarly the literacy rate and other social conditions are also improved. The goal for the country is to become a middle-income country by 2021 so efforts are underway to maintain economic stability, strengthen revenues, extend trade reforms, improve labor skills, up-grade rural and urban management, fill energy and infrastructural gaps, and adapt to climate change.
Proyas takes pride to be part of such development of Bangladesh by working for and with the disadvantaged population of North Western districts of Bangladesh. This year Proyas has completed its 25th years of busy time with continuous and innovative efforts for the development of the people of this region.
Proyas strongly believs that development takes place neither automatically nor with any form of dependence. It happens with deep commitment of working, access to services and utilization of opportunities. All humans have potentials. In order to materialize those potentials into strengths for self-development, Proyas, from its lessons learnt, stands beside the people with innovative implemention strategies.
During the year 2018, Proyas continued its efforts, with comprehensive approach, for poverty reduction, improvement of livelihood, creating opportunities for self-employment and income generation, protecting the poorer community from social risks and decay through protecting children from early marriage, raising mass awareness and mobilizing the community against extremism and unsafe migration. Proyas has promoted innovative alternative agricultural activities, promoting folk cultures. Proyas managed Community Radio has contributed its remarkable role in massive social awareness and creating access of the local people, specially the youths and the farmers to have their own voices for economic and social development.
On the occasion of silver jubilee of the organization, I would like to thank all donors, partner organizations and individuals for their enormous supports. I would like to thank the governing board members for their continuous supports during the year. Last but not least, I thank my committed and devoted staff members and the beneficiaries for their continuous supports. We all will remain bold with our commitments and efforts. Let Proyas be devoted itself for human welfare and development.
Md. Hasib Hossain
Executive Director