Our Mission
Proyas believes that the overall developments of the distressed poor people of Bangladesh depends upon their participation in their own development, and the touch of local level organization building utilization of local resources, local level initiatives which most significant to ensure the sustainable development of disadvantage people, adolescent and children. In this context, Proyas plays a role as a facilitator to develop human resources by increasing the information technology and technical knowledge and skills of the neglected, vulnerable, underprivileged and backward people in the light of the national goals on the basis of equal rights in public and private services and resources, and to bring about positive changes in their lives by increasing their self-awareness on special issues. secretary of the executive council ie., the Executive Director, He is elected by the general council to run all the activities according to the directives of both the executive and the general councils. Initially Proyas had been started working for the development of some poor and aborigine people in Chapainawabganj district and expanded it in other districts gradually. It is registered as Proyas Human Development Society’ under the Societies Registration Act in 7 May, 2000 and its registered is Raj S No.49/2000. Again, it is registered under NGO Affairs Bureau in 20 April, 2004 (registration no-1923) and later it is recognized by Micro-Credit Regulatory Authority in 14 May, 2008(certificate no is 00978-00986-00248)
Since its inception, Proyas has been working mainly for the development and betterment of the afflicted, oppressed, left behind and poor people. Responding to the situation, it has taken and implemented various types of program efficiently. It is nourished with more experiences on its way towards development. Keeping pace with the time Proyas has developed strategies as more realistic and dynamically.